<<<<<<< HEAD Papers 2010

Papers of 2010

  • On the spacings between C-nomial coefficients

    Authors: Florian Luca, Diego Marques, Pantelimon Stănică

    Volume: 130(1)

    Pages: 82-100

    Journal: Journal of Number Theory

  • On the radical of a perfect number

    Authors: Florian Luca and Carl Pomerance

    Volume: 16

    Pages: 23-30

    Journal: New York Journal of Mathematics

  • On a Compositeness Test for (2p+1)/3

    Authors: P. Berrizbeitia, F. Luca and R. Melham

    Volume: 13

    Article: 10.1.7

    Journal: Journal of Integer Sequences

  • Aliquot sums of Fibonacci numbers

    Authors: Luca, Florian; Stănică Pantelimon

    Volume: 200

    Pages: 153-160

    Journal: Congr. Numer.

  • Smooth divisor sums of Fibonacci numbers

    Authors: Florian Luca

    Volume: 201

    Pages: 139-151

    Journal: Congr. Numer.

  • On squares in polynomial products

    Authors: Javier Cilleruelo, Florian Luca, Adolfo Quirós & Igor E. Shparlinski

    Volume: 159

    Pages: 215–223

    Journal: Monats. Math.

  • Some results on Oppenheim's “Factorisatio Numerorum” function

    Authors: Florian Luca, Anirban Mukhopadhyay, Kotyada Srinivas

    Volume: 142

    Pages: 41-50

    Journal: Acta Arithmetica

  • On the Diophantine equation x^2 + 2^a11^b = y^n

    Authors: Ismail Naci Cangul, Musa Demirci, Florian Luca, Ákos Pintér, and Gökhan Soydan

    Volume: 48

    Pages: 39-47

    Journal: Fibonacci Quart.

  • On the Fürstenberg closure of a class of binary recurrences

    Authors: Kevin A. Broughan, Florian Luca

    Volume: 130(3)

    Article: 696-706

    Journal: Journal of Number Theory

  • On the exact degree of Q({\sqrt{a_1}},…,{\sqrt{a_k}}) over Q

    Authors: R. Balasubramanian, F. Luca and R. Thangadurai

    Volume: 138

    Article: 2283-2288

    Journal: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.

  • On multiplicative magic squares

    Authors: J. Cilleruelo and F. Luca

    Volume: 17

    Article: N8

    Journal: Elec. J. Comb.

  • On the length of arithmetic progressions in linear combinations of S-units

    Authors: Lajos Hajdu & Florian Luca

    Volume: 94

    Pages: 357-363

    Journal: Archiv der Mathematik


    Authors: DeKoninck J.M. and F. Luca

    Volume: 32

    Article: 13-21

    Journal: Ann.Univ. Sci. Budapest Sect. Comput.

  • On the Diophantine equation x^4-q^4 = py^3

    Authors: Florian Luca, Alain Togbé

    Volume: 40(3)

    Pages: 995--1008

    Journal: Rocky Mountain J. Math.

  • On a Diophantine Equation of Stroeker

    Authors: Florian Luca, Pantelimon Stănică, Alain Togbé

    Volume: 17(2)

    Pages: 201-208

    Journal: Bull. Soc. Math. Belge Simon Stevin

  • On factorials expressible as sums of at most three Fibonacci numbers

    Authors: Florian Luca and Samir Siksek

    Volume: 53(3)

    Pages: 747-763

    Journal: Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.

  • Variants of the Diophantine equation n! + 1 = y^2

    Authors: O. Kihel, F. Luca and A. Togbé

    Volume: 67(1)

    Pages: 1-11

    Journal: Port. Math

  • Some additive combinatorics problems in matrix rings

    Authors: Ron Ferguson, Corneliu Hoffman, Florian Luca, Alina Ostafe & Igor E. Shparlinski

    Volume: 23

    Pages: 501–513

    Journal: Rev. Mat. Complutense

  • Fibonacci numbers which are sums of three factorials

    Authors: Mark Bollman, Santos Hernández Hernández and Florian Luca

    Volume: 77(1-2)

    Pages: 211–224

    Journal: Publ. Math. Debrecen

  • Common values of the arithmetic functions ϕ and σ

    Authors: Kevin Ford, Florian Luca, Carl Pomerance

    Volume: 42(3)

    Pages: 478-488

    Journal: Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society

  • ON VALUES OF d(n!)/m!, ϕ(n!)/m! AND σ(n!)/m!


    Volume: 6(6)

    Pages: 1199-1214

    Journal: International Journal of Number Theory

  • Fibonacci lattice points

    Authors: Javier Cilleruelo & Florian Luca

    Volume: 22

    Pages: 285-292

    Journal: The Ramanujan Journal

  • Perfect powers in the summatory function of the power tower

    Authors: Florian Luca; Diego Marques

    Volume: 22(3)

    Pages: 703-718

    Journal: Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux


    Authors: Kevin A. Broughan, Florian Luca, and Igor E. Shparlinski

    Volume: 10

    Pages: 485-495

    Journal: INTEGERS

  • Prime Chains and Pratt Trees

    Authors: Kevin Ford, Sergei V. Konyagin & Florian Luca

    Volume: 20

    Pages: 1231–1258

    Journal: GAFA

  • On perfect numbers which are ratios of two Fibonacci numbers∗

    Authors: Florian Luca, V. Janitzio Mejía Huguet

    Volume: 37

    Pages: 107–124

    Journal: Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae

  • On the g-Ary Expansions of Apéry, Motzkin, Schröder and Other Combinatorial Numbers

    Authors: Florian Luca & Igor E. Shparlinski

    Volume: 14

    Pages: 507–524

    Journal: Motzkin and Schroder and Other Combinatorial Numbers, Annals of Combinatorics

  • $ \sigma_k(F_m) = F_n $

    Authors: F. Luca and B.M.M. De Weger

    Volume: 40

    Pages: 1-13

    Journal: New Zealand Journal of Mathematics

  • How Often is n! a Sum of Three Squares?, in The legacy of Alladi Ramakrishnan in the mathematical sciences

    Authors: Jean-Marc Deshouillers & Florian Luca

    Pages: 243–251

    Journal: Springer New York

  • ======= Papers 2010

    Papers of 2010

  • On the spacings between C-nomial coefficients

    Authors: Florian Luca, Diego Marques, Pantelimon Stănică

    Volume: 130(1)

    Pages: 82-100

    Journal: Journal of Number Theory

  • On the radical of a perfect number

    Authors: Florian Luca and Carl Pomerance

    Volume: 16

    Pages: 23-30

    Journal: New York Journal of Mathematics

  • On a Compositeness Test for (2p+1)/3

    Authors: P. Berrizbeitia, F. Luca and R. Melham

    Volume: 13

    Article: 10.1.7

    Journal: Journal of Integer Sequences

  • Aliquot sums of Fibonacci numbers

    Authors: Luca, Florian; Stănică Pantelimon

    Volume: 200

    Pages: 153-160

    Journal: Congr. Numer.

  • Smooth divisor sums of Fibonacci numbers

    Authors: Florian Luca

    Volume: 201

    Pages: 139-151

    Journal: Congr. Numer.

  • On squares in polynomial products

    Authors: Javier Cilleruelo, Florian Luca, Adolfo Quirós & Igor E. Shparlinski

    Volume: 159

    Pages: 215–223

    Journal: Monats. Math.

  • Some results on Oppenheim's “Factorisatio Numerorum” function

    Authors: Florian Luca, Anirban Mukhopadhyay, Kotyada Srinivas

    Volume: 142

    Pages: 41-50

    Journal: Acta Arithmetica

  • On the Diophantine equation x^2 + 2^a11^b = y^n

    Authors: Ismail Naci Cangul, Musa Demirci, Florian Luca, Ákos Pintér, and Gökhan Soydan

    Volume: 48

    Pages: 39-47

    Journal: Fibonacci Quart.

  • On the Fürstenberg closure of a class of binary recurrences

    Authors: Kevin A. Broughan, Florian Luca

    Volume: 130(3)

    Article: 696-706

    Journal: Journal of Number Theory

  • On the exact degree of Q({\sqrt{a_1}},…,{\sqrt{a_k}}) over Q

    Authors: R. Balasubramanian, F. Luca and R. Thangadurai

    Volume: 138

    Article: 2283-2288

    Journal: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.

  • On multiplicative magic squares

    Authors: J. Cilleruelo and F. Luca

    Volume: 17

    Article: N8

    Journal: Elec. J. Comb.

  • On the length of arithmetic progressions in linear combinations of S-units

    Authors: Lajos Hajdu & Florian Luca

    Volume: 94

    Pages: 357-363

    Journal: Archiv der Mathematik


    Authors: DeKoninck J.M. and F. Luca

    Volume: 32

    Article: 13-21

    Journal: Ann.Univ. Sci. Budapest Sect. Comput.

  • On the Diophantine equation x^4-q^4 = py^3

    Authors: Florian Luca, Alain Togbé

    Volume: 40(3)

    Pages: 995--1008

    Journal: Rocky Mountain J. Math.

  • On a Diophantine Equation of Stroeker

    Authors: Florian Luca, Pantelimon Stănică, Alain Togbé

    Volume: 17(2)

    Pages: 201-208

    Journal: Bull. Soc. Math. Belge Simon Stevin

  • On factorials expressible as sums of at most three Fibonacci numbers

    Authors: Florian Luca and Samir Siksek

    Volume: 53(3)

    Pages: 747-763

    Journal: Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.

  • Variants of the Diophantine equation n! + 1 = y^2

    Authors: O. Kihel, F. Luca and A. Togbé

    Volume: 67(1)

    Pages: 1-11

    Journal: Port. Math

  • Some additive combinatorics problems in matrix rings

    Authors: Ron Ferguson, Corneliu Hoffman, Florian Luca, Alina Ostafe & Igor E. Shparlinski

    Volume: 23

    Pages: 501–513

    Journal: Rev. Mat. Complutense

  • Fibonacci numbers which are sums of three factorials

    Authors: Mark Bollman, Santos Hernández Hernández and Florian Luca

    Volume: 77(1-2)

    Pages: 211–224

    Journal: Publ. Math. Debrecen

  • Common values of the arithmetic functions ϕ and σ

    Authors: Kevin Ford, Florian Luca, Carl Pomerance

    Volume: 42(3)

    Pages: 478-488

    Journal: Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society

  • ON VALUES OF d(n!)/m!, ϕ(n!)/m! AND σ(n!)/m!


    Volume: 6(6)

    Pages: 1199-1214

    Journal: International Journal of Number Theory

  • Fibonacci lattice points

    Authors: Javier Cilleruelo & Florian Luca

    Volume: 22

    Pages: 285-292

    Journal: The Ramanujan Journal

  • Perfect powers in the summatory function of the power tower

    Authors: Florian Luca; Diego Marques

    Volume: 22(3)

    Pages: 703-718

    Journal: Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux


    Authors: Kevin A. Broughan, Florian Luca, and Igor E. Shparlinski

    Volume: 10

    Pages: 485-495

    Journal: INTEGERS

  • Prime Chains and Pratt Trees

    Authors: Kevin Ford, Sergei V. Konyagin & Florian Luca

    Volume: 20

    Pages: 1231–1258

    Journal: GAFA

  • On perfect numbers which are ratios of two Fibonacci numbers∗

    Authors: Florian Luca, V. Janitzio Mejía Huguet

    Volume: 37

    Pages: 107–124

    Journal: Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae

  • On the g-Ary Expansions of Apéry, Motzkin, Schröder and Other Combinatorial Numbers

    Authors: Florian Luca & Igor E. Shparlinski

    Volume: 14

    Pages: 507–524

    Journal: Motzkin and Schroder and Other Combinatorial Numbers, Annals of Combinatorics

  • $ \sigma_k(F_m) = F_n $

    Authors: F. Luca and B.M.M. De Weger

    Volume: 40

    Pages: 1-13

    Journal: New Zealand Journal of Mathematics

  • How Often is n! a Sum of Three Squares?, in The legacy of Alladi Ramakrishnan in the mathematical sciences

    Authors: Jean-Marc Deshouillers & Florian Luca

    Pages: 243–251

    Journal: Springer New York

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