Papers of 2011

  • On the largest prime factor of x^2-1

    Authors: Florian Luca and Filip Najman

    Volume: 80

    Pages: 429-435

    Journal: Math. Comp.

  • Multiperfect numbers with identical digits

    Authors: Florian Luca, Paul Pollack

    Volume: 131(2)

    Pages: 260-284

    Journal: Journal of Number Theory

  • Fibonacci integers

    Authors: Florian Luca, Carl Pomerance, Stephan Wagner

    Volume: 131(3)

    Pages: 440-457

    Journal: Journal of Number Theory

  • Additive properties of subgroups of finite index in fields

    Authors: Pedro Berrizbeitia, Florian Luca

    Volume: 131(4)

    Pages: 605-617

    Journal: Journal of Number Theory

  • Some Diophantine equations in finite group theory: \Phi_m(x) = 2p^n - 1

    Authors: Florian Luca, Pieter Moree and Benne de Weger

    Volume: 78(2)

    Pages: 377-392

    Journal: Publ. Math. Debrecen

  • On the Complexity of Testing Elite Primes

    Authors: Michal Křížek, Florian Luca, Igor E. Shparlinski and Lawrence Somer

    Volume: 14

    Article: 11.1.2

    Journal: Journal of Integer Sequences

  • Counting dihedral and quaternionic extensions

    Authors: Étienne Fouvry, Florian Luca, Francesco Pappalardi and Igor E. Shparlinski

    Volume: 363

    Pages: 3233-3253

    Journal: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.

  • Power Totients With Almost Primes

    Authors: William D. Banks and Florian Luca

    Volume: 11A

    Article: A4

    Journal: INTEGERS

  • There Are No Multiply-Perfect Fibonacci Numbers

    Authors: Kevin A. Broughan, Marcos J. González, Ryan H. Lewis, Florian Luca, V. Janitzio Mejía Huguet, and Alain Togbé

    Volume: 11A

    Article: A7

    Journal: INTEGERS

  • The Number of Solutions of λ(x)=n

    Authors: Kevin Ford and Florian Luca

    Volume: 11A

    Article: A9

    Journal: INTEGERS

  • Coincidences of Catalan and q-Catalan Numbers

    Authors: Florian Luca and Paul Thomas Young

    Volume: 11A

    Article: A16

    Journal: INTEGERS

  • On the Number of Factorizations of an Integer

    Authors: R.Balasubramanian and Florian Luca

    Volume: 11

    Article: A12

    Journal: INTEGERS

  • Powerful Values of Quadratic Polynomials

    Authors: Jean-Marie De Koninck and Nicolas Doyon, Florian Luca

    Volume: 14

    Article: 11.3.3

    Journal: Journal of Integer Sequences

  • Repunit Lehmer numbers

    Authors: Javier Cilleruelo and Florian Luca

    Volume: 54(1)

    Pages: 55-65

    Journal: Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society

  • An exponential Diophantine equation related to powers of two consecutive Fibonacci numbers

    Authors: Florian Luca, Roger Oyono

    Volume: 87(4)

    Pages: 45-50

    Journal: Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci.

  • φ and σ: from Euler to Erdős

    Authors: Florian Luca, Herman te Riele

    Volume: 12

    Pages: 31-37

    Journal: Nieuw Archiev voorWiskunde

  • On the Distribution of the Euler Functions with Fibonacci Numbers

    Authors: Jean-Marc Deshouillers and Florian Luca

    Volume: 49(2)

    Pages: 102-109

    Journal: Fibonacci Quart.



    Volume: 83(3)

    Pages: 413-419

    Journal: Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society

  • On cyclic compositions of positive integers

    Authors: Arnold Knopfmacher, Florian Luca & Neville Robbins

    Volume: 82

    Pages: 111-122

    Journal: Aeq. Math.

  • Twisted extensions of the cubic case of Fermat's Last Theorem

    Authors: M. Bennett, F. Luca and J. Mulholland

    Volume: 35

    Pages: 1-15

    Journal: Ann. Sci. Math. Quebec

  • On the g-ary expansions of middle binomial coefficients and Catalan numbers

    Authors: Florian Luca, Igor E. Shparlinski

    Volume: 41(4)

    Pages: 1291-1301

    Journal: Rocky Mountain J. Math.

  • On the binary expansion of the odd Catalan numbers

    Authors: Florian Luca, Paul Thomas Young

    Volume: 20

    Pages: 185-190

    Journal: Proceedingsof the XIVth International Conference on Fibonacci numbers and their applications,Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, Aportaciones Matematicas, Investigacion

  • Some p-adic congruences for pq-Catalan numbers

    Authors: Florian Luca, Paul Thomas Young

    Volume: 20

    Pages: 191-198

    Journal: Proceedingsof the XIVth International Conference on Fibonacci numbers and their applications,Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, Aportaciones Matematicas, Investigacion

  • Fibonacci numbers which are sums of two repdigit

    Authors: S. Diaz Alvarado and F. Luca

    Volume: 20

    Pages: 97-108

    Journal: Proceedings of the XIVth International Conference on Fibonacci numbers and their applications, Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, Aportaciones Matematicas

  • Aliquot Cycles of Repdigits

    Authors: Florian Luca and Herman te Riele

    Volume: 11

    Article: A53

    Journal: INTEGERS

  • The Beast and triangular Zeckendorf representations

    Authors: Florian Luca

    Volume: 54(2)

    Pages: 147-152

    Journal: Bull. Math. Soc. Math. Roumanie



    Volume: 7(7)

    Pages: 1705-1716

    Journal: International Journal of Number Theory

  • On an equation of Goormaghtigh

    Authors: Florian Luca

    Volume: 1

    Pages: 74-88

    Journal: Moscow J. Number Theory and Combinatorics

  • On the diophantine equation x^4 -q^4 = py^5

    Authors: A. Bajolet, D. Dupuy, F. Luca and A. Togbe

    Volume: 79(3-4)

    Pages: 269-282

    Journal: Publ. Math. Debrecen

  • On the size of sets whose elements have perfect power n-shifted products

    Authors: A. Berczes, A. Dujella, L. Hajdu and F. Luca

    Volume: 79(3-4)

    Pages: 325-339

    Journal: Publ. Math. Debrecen

  • An arithmetic function arising from Carmichael's conjecture

    Authors: Florian Luca; Paul Pollack

    Volume: 23(3)

    Pages: 697-714

    Journal: Bordeaux Journal of Number Theory

  • On composite integers n for which φ(n)∣n-1

    Authors: F. Luca and C.Pomerance

    Volume: 17(1)

    Pages: 13-22

    Journal: Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana

  • On the distribution of residues modulo p II

    Authors: F. Luca and R.Thangadurai

    Pages: 51-62

    Journal: Proceedings of the Conference in Honor of Professor C. Vasudevan, Ramanujan Math. Soc.