Papers of 2015

  • On lattice points where all nearby points are not relatively prime

    Authors: Shanta Laishram, Florian Luca

    Volume: 16

    Art: 15.10.8

    Journal: Integer Sequences

  • L L-polynomials of function fields and Fibonacci Numbers

    Authors: Edwin León-Cardenal, Florian Luca

    Volume: 21(3)

    Pages: 163-169

    Journal: Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana

  • Harmonious pairs

    Authors: Mark Kozek, Florian Luca, Paul Pollack, Carl Pomerance

    Volume: 11(5)

    Pages: 1633-1651

    Journal: International Journal of Number Theory

  • On the equation φ(Xm - 1) = Xn - 1.

    Authors: Bernadette Faye, Florian Luca

    Volume: 11(5)

    Pages: 1691-1700

    Journal: International Journal of Number Theory

  • On the system of Diophantine equations (m2− 1) r+ b2= c2 and (m2− 1) x+ by= cz

    Authors: Takafumi Miyazaki, Florian Luca

    Volume: 153

    Pages: 321-345

    Journal: Journal of Number Theory

  • On the largest prime factor of the ratio of two generalized Fibonacci numbers

    Authors: Carlos Alexis Gómez Ruiz, Florian Luca

    Volume: 152

    Pages: 182-203

    Journal: Journal of Number Theory

  • Sierpiński and Carmichael numbers

    Authors: William Banks, Carrie Finch, Florian Luca, Carl Pomerance and Pantelimon Stănică

    Volume: 367

    Pages: 355-376

    Journal: Trans. Amer. Math.


    Authors: Carlos Alexis Gómez Ruiz, Florian Luca

    Volume: 50(1)

    Pages: 17-24

    Journal: Glasnik matematički

  • On the Diophantine equations F_n^x + F_{n+1 }^x= Fy^m

    Authors: Noriko Hirata-Kohno, Florian Luca

    Volume: 45(2)

    Pages: 509-538

  • Arithmetic properties of the sum of the first n values of the Euler function

    Authors: R Balasubramanian, Florian Luca, Dimbinaina Ralaivaosaona

    Volume: 21

    Pages: 9-17

    Journal: Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana

  • On the equation φ (5m− 1)= 5n− 1

    Authors: Bernadette Faye, Florian Luca, Amadou Tall

    Volume: 52(2)

    Pages: 513-524

    Journal: Bull. Korean Math. Soc

  • On the distance between generalized Fibonacci numbers

    Authors: Jhon J Bravo, Carlos A Gómez, Florian Luca

    Volume: 140

    Pages: 107-118

    Journal: Colloq. Math

  • On shifted primes with large prime factors and their products

    Authors: Florian Luca, Ricardo Menares, Amalia Pizarro-Madariaga

    Volume: 22(1)

    Pages: 39-47

    Journal: Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society-Simon Stevin

  • On note on the formula Fp = u2 + pv2

    Authors: Juan José Alba González, Pedro Berrizbeitia, Florian Luca

    Volume: 11(1)

    Pages: 185-191

    Journal: International Journal of Number Theory

  • Diophantine quadruples in the sequence of shifted Tribonacci numbers


    Volume: 86(3-4)

    Pages: 473-491


  • Multiplicatively dependent triples of Tribonacci numbers

    Authors: Carlos Alexis Ruiz Gómez, Florian Luca

    Volume: 171

    Pages: 327-353

    Journal: Acta Arithmetica

  • Power values of the product of the Euler function and the sum of divisors function

    Authors: LE Santos Cruz, Florian Luca

    Volume: 8

    Pages: 745-748

    Journal: Involve

  • On the local Minima of the Order of Appearance Function

    Authors: Florian Luca, Thato Mosima

    Volume: 2015(1)

    Art: 823973, 3 pages

    Journal: International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

  • Pell and Pell-Lucas numbers with only one distinct digit

    Authors: Bernadette Fayeab, Florian Lucab

    Volume: 45

    Pages: 55-60

    Journal: Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae

  • On the Parity of the Number of Small Divisors of n

    Authors: Kevin Ford, Florian Luca, Carl Pomerance, Jeffrey Shallit

    Pages: 93-100

    Journal: Analytic Number Theory: In Honor of Helmut Maier’s 60th Birthday

  • On the counting function of irregular primes

    Authors: Florian Luca, Amalia Pizarro-Madariaga, Carl Pomerance

    Volume: 26(1)

    Pages: 147-161

    Journal: Indagationes Mathematicae

  • The range of the sum-of-proper-divisors function

    Authors: Florian Luca, Carl Pomerance

    Volume: 168

    Pages: 187-199

    Journal: Acta Arith

  • The Distribution of Self-Fibonacci Divisors

    Authors: Florian Luca, Emanuele Tron

    Volume: 77

    Pages: 149-158

    Journal: Advances in the Theory of Numbers: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association

  • Repdigits as sums of two k-Fibonacci numbers

    Authors: Jhon J Bravo, Florian Luca

    Volume: 176

    Pages: 31-51

    Journal: Monatshefte für Mathematik

  • On the fixed points of the map x -> x^x modulo a prime

    Authors: P. Kurlberg, F. Luca and I. E. Shparlinski

    Volume: 22(1)

    Pages: 141-168

    Journal: Math. Research Letters



    Volume: 61

    Pages: 327-332

    Journal: An. Stiint. Al. I. Cuza Math.