Papers of 2017

  • Trinomials with integral S-unit coefficients having a quadratic factor

    Authors: Attila Bérczes, Florian Luca, István Pink, Volker Ziegler

    Volume: 28(6)

    Pages: 1200-1209

    Journal: Indagationes Mathematicae

  • Number fields in fibers: the geometrically abelian case with rational critical values

    Authors: Yuri Bilu, Florian Luca

    Volume: 75

    Pages: 315-321

    Journal: Periodica Mathematica Hungarica

  • On Diophantine quadruples of Fibonacci numbers

    Authors: Yasutsugu Fujita, Florian Luca

    Volume: 52(72)

    Pages: 221-234

    Journal: Glasnik matematički

  • Corrigendum to "Positive integers divisible by the product of their nonzero digits"

    Authors: Jean-Marie De Koninck, Florian Luca

    Volume: 74(2)

    Pages: 169-170

    Journal: Portugaliae Math.


    Authors: Florian Luca

    Volume: 96(2)

    Pages: 185-190

    Journal: Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society

  • Only finitely many Tribonacci Diophantine triples exist

    Authors: Clemens Fuchs, Christoph Hutle, Nurettin Irmak, Florian Luca, László Szalay

    Volume: 67(4)

    Pages: 853-862

    Journal: Mathematica Slovaca

  • Fibonacci factoriangular numbers

    Authors: Carlos Alexis Gómez Ruiz, Florian Luca

    Volume: 28(4)

    Pages: 796-804

    Journal: Indagationes Mathematicae

  • Powers of Two as Sums of Three Pell Numbers

    Authors: Jhon J Bravo, Bernadette Faye, Florian Luca

    Volume: 21(4)

    Pages: 739-751

    Journal: Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics

  • Collinear CM-points

    Authors: Yuri Bilu, Florian Luca, David Masser

    Volume: 11(5)

    Pages: 1047-1087

    Journal: Algebra & Number Theory

  • Diophantine triples with values in the sequences of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers

    Authors: F. Luca, A. O Munagi

    Volume: 52(72)

    Pages: 23-43

    Journal: Glasnik matematički

  • Counting terms Un of third order linear recurrences with Un = u2 + nv2

    Authors: Alexandru Ciolan, Florian Luca, Pieter Moree

    Volume: 32(2)

    Pages: 165-183

    Journal: Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society



    Volume: 95(3)

    Pages: 365-372

    Journal: Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society

  • Quadratic forms representing the pth terms of Lucas sequences

    Authors: Pedro Berrizbeitia, Robin Chapman, Florian Luca, Alberto Mendoza

    Volume: 175

    Pages: 134-139

    Journal: Journal of Number Theory

  • On a problem of Pillai with Fibonacci numbers and powers of 2

    Authors: Mahadi Ddamulira, Florian Luca, Mihaja Rakotomalala

    Volume: 127

    Pages: 411-421

    Journal: Proceedings-Mathematical Sciences

  • On two functions arising in the study of the Euler and Carmichael quotients

    Authors: Florian Luca, Min Sha, Igor E Shparlinski

    Volume: 149

    Pages: 179-192

    Journal: Colloq. Math.

  • On arithmetic lattices in the plane

    Authors: Lenny Fukshansky, Pavel Guerzhoy, Florian Luca

    Volume: 145

    Pages: 1453-1465

    Journal: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

  • The rth Moment of the Divisor Function: An Elementary Approach

    Authors: Florian Luca, László Tóth

    Volume: 20

    Article: 17.7.4

    Journal: Journal of Integer Sequences

  • Linear independence results for the reciprocal sums of Fibonacci numbers associated with Dirichlet characters

    Authors: Hiromi Ei, Florian Luca, Yohei Tachiya

    Volume: 54(1)

    Pages: 61-81

    Journal: Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica

  • Generalized incomplete poly-Bernoulli polynomials and generalized incomplete poly-Cauchy polynomials

    Authors: Takao Komatsu and Florian Luca

    Volume: 13(2)

    Pages: 371-391

    Journal: International Journal of Number Theory

  • Pell numbers with the Lehmer property

    Authors: Bernadette Faye, Florian Luca

    Volume: 28

    Pages: 291-294

    Journal: Afrika Matematika

  • On Pillai's problem with Tribonacci numbers and powers of 2

    Authors: Jhon J Bravo, Florian Luca, Karina Yaz\án

    Volume: 54(3)

    Pages: 1069-1080

    Journal: Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society

  • On the number of non-zero digits of integers in multi-base representation

    Authors: Csanád Bertók, Lajos Hajdu, Florian Luca, Divyum Sharma

    Volume: 90

    Pages: 181-194

    Journal: Publ. Math. Debrecen

  • Diophantine equations involving factorials

    Authors: Horst Alzer, Florian Luca

    Volume: 142(2)

    Pages: 181-184

    Journal: Mathematica Bohemica

  • Multiplicative Diophantine equations with factors from different Lucas sequences

    Authors: Carlos Alexis Gómez Ruiz, Florian Luca

    Volume: 170

    Pages: 282-301

    Journal: Journal of Number Theory

  • Diversity in Parametric Families of Number Fields

    Authors: Yuri Bilu, Florian Luca

    Pages: 169-191

    Journal: Number Theory–Diophantine Problems, Uniform Distribution and Applications: Festschrift in Honour of Robert F. Tichy’s 60th Birthday

  • Lucas numbers with the Lehmer property

    Authors: Faye and F. Luca

    Volume: 19(69)

    Pages: 121--125

    Journal: Math. Reports

  • Pell Numbers Whose Euler Function is a Pell Number

    Authors: Bernadette Faye and Florian Luca

    Volume: 101(115)

    Pages: 231--245

    Journal: 28 Publ. Inst. Math. Beograd

  • On the X-coordinates of Pell equations which are Tribonacci numbers

    Authors: Florian Luca, Amanda Montejano, Laszlo Szalay, Alain Togbé

    Volume: 179

    Pages: 25-35

    Journal: Acta Arithmetica

  • p-adic quotient sets

    Authors: Stephan Ramon Garcia, Yu Xuan Hong, Florian Luca, Elena Pinsker, Carlo Sanna, Evan Schechter, Adam Starr

    Volume: 179

    Pages: 163-184

    Journal: Acta Arithmetica

  • On the x-coordinates of Pell equations which are Fibonacci numbers II

    Authors: Bir Kafle, Florian Luca, Alain Togbé

    Volume: 149

    Pages: 75-85

    Journal: Colloquium Math.

  • Counting permutation equivalent degree six binary polynomials invariant under the cyclic group

    Authors: Florian Luca & Pantelimon Stănică

    Volume: 28

    Pages: 1–10

    Journal: Applicable Algebra in Engineering Communication and Computing

  • Local Behavior of the Composition of the Aliquot and Co-Totient Functions

    Authors: F. Luca and C. Pomerance

    Volume: 221

    Pages: 477-495

    Journal: Springer Proc. Math.