Papers of 2022

  • On the multiplicity in Pillai's problem with Fibonacci numbers and powers of a fixed prime

    Authors: H Batte, M Ddamulira, J Kasozi, F Luca

    Volume: 57(2)

    Pages: 185-201

    Journal: Glasnik matematički

  • On two conjectures regarding generalized sequence of derangements

    Authors: Eryk Lipka, Florian Luca, Piotr Miska

    Volume: 67(2)

    Pages: 223-234

    Journal: Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici

  • On the Multiplicities of Padovan-Type Sequences

    Authors: EF Bravo, JJ Bravo, F Luca

    Volume: 53

    Pages: 1519-1549

    Journal: Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series

  • On a result of Fujita and Le.

    Authors: Adel Alahmadi, Florian Luca

    Volume: 88

    Pages: 577-580

    Journal: Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum

  • On Y-coordinates of Pell equations which are Lucas numbers

    Authors: Bilizimbéyé Edjeou, Bernadette Faye, Carlos A Gómez, Florian Luca

    Volume: 59

    Pages: 1091-1136

    Journal: The Ramanujan Journal

  • Primes and composites in the determinant Hosoya triangle

    Authors: Hsin-Yun Ching, Rigoberto Flórez, F Luca, Antara Mukherjee, JC Saunders

    Volume: 60(5)

    Pages: 56-110

    Journal: The Fibonacci Quarterly

  • Complete solution of the exponential Diophantine equation\(P_n^ x+ P_ {n+ 1}^ x= P_m^ y\)

    Authors: Bernadette Faye, Carlos Gómez, Florian Luca, Salah Rihane, Alain Togbé

    Volume: 27(2)

    Pages: 163-185

    Journal: Mathematical Communications

  • On the solutions of the Diophantine equation Fn±a (10m− 1) 9= k!

    Authors: Kouèssi Norbert Adédji, Florian Luca, Alain Togbé

    Volume: 240

    Pages: 593-610

    Journal: Journal of Number Theory

  • On the multiplicative independence of the roots of generalized Fibonacci and Pell polynomials

    Authors: Adel Alahmadi, Florian Luca

    Volume: 19(9)

    Pages: 1887-1894

    Journal: International Journal of Number Theory


    Authors: Adel Alahmadi, Florian Luca

    Volume: 106(2)

    Pages: 264-268

    Journal: Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society

  • Algebraic Model Checking for Discrete Linear Dynamical Systems

    Authors: Florian Luca, Joël Ouaknine, James Worrell

    Volume: 13465

    Pages: 3-15

    Book: International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems

  • A Universal Skolem Set of Positive Lower Density

    Authors: Florian Luca, Joël Ouaknine, James Worrell

  • On the Skolem Problem and the Skolem Conjecture

    Authors: Richard Lipton, Florian Luca, Joris Nieuwveld, Joël Ouaknine, David Purser, James Worrell

    Article: 5

    Pages: 1-9

    Book: Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science

  • On the Exponential Diophantine Equation F_{n+1}^x- F_{n-1}^x = F_m^y

    Authors: Carlos Alexis Gómez, Jhonny Carpediem Gómez, Florian Luca

    Volume: 26(4)

    Pages: 685-712

    Journal: Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics

  • Markov triples with two Fibonacci components.

    Authors: F Luca

    Volume: 148

    Pages: 213-243

    Journal: Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Universita di Padova

  • Coprime partitions and Jordan totient functions

    Authors: Daniela Bubboloni, Florian Luca

    Volume: 235

    Pages: 328-357

    Journal: Journal of Number Theory

  • Skolem Meets Schanuel

    Authors: Yuri Bilu, Florian Luca, Joris Nieuwveld, Joël Ouaknine, David Purser, James Worrell

    Journal: LIPIcs-MFCS-2022-20

  • On the Euler Function of Y-Coordinates of Pell Equations and Repdigits

    Authors: Adel Alahmadi, Florian Luca

    Volume: 77

    Article: 59

    Journal: Results in Mathematics

  • Fibonacci numbers as sums of two Padovan numbers

    Authors: Ana Cecilia García Lomelí, Santos Hernández Hernández, Florian Luca

    Volume: 33

    Article: 14

    Journal: Afrika Matematika

  • On a Diophantine equation involving Fibonacci numbers and the Ramanujan τ-function of factorials

    Authors: Florian Luca, Sibusiso Mabaso

    Volume: 33

    Article: 4

    Journal: Afrika Matematika

  • On the Shorey–Tijdeman Diophantine equation involving terms of Lucas sequences

    Authors: Mahadi Ddamulira, Florian Luca, Robert Tichy

    Volume: 33(2)

    Pages: 314-321

    Journal: Indagationes Mathematicae

  • Powers of Rational Matrices

    Authors: Stephan Ramon Garcia, Roger A Horn, Florian Luca, Kuldeep Sarma

    Volume: 129(2)

    Pages: 177-177

    Journal: The American Mathematical Monthly

  • On the sum of the reciprocals of k-generalized Fibonacci numbers

    Authors: Adel Alahmadi, Florian Luca

    Pages: 31-42

    Volume: 30(1)

    Journal: Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii" Ovidius" Constanţa. Seria Matematică

  • There are no Diophantine quadruples of Pell numbers

    Authors: Salah Eddine Rihane, Florian Luca, Alain Togbé

    Volume: 18(1)

    Pages: 27-45

    Journal: International Journal of Number Theory

  • On an exponential Diophantine equation involving powers of consecutive terms of the Padovan sequence

    Authors: Florian Luca, Euloge Tchammou, Alain Togbe

    Volume: 101

    Pages: 451-475


  • There are no Carmichael numbers of the form $2^ np+ 1$ with $ p $ prime

    Authors: Adel Alahmadi, Florian Luca

    Volume: 360

    Pages: 1177-1181

    Journal: Comptes Rendus. Mathématiques

  • On the Diophantine equation (5pn^2-1)^x + (p(p-5)n2 + 1)^y= (pn)^z

    Authors: Adel Alahmadi, Florian Luca

    Volume: 65(113)

    Pages: 3-12

    Journal: Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie

  • An inequality for Fibonacci numbers

    Authors: Horst Alzer, Florian Luca

    Volume: 147(4)

    Pages: 587-590

    Journal: Mathematica Bohemica

  • On a nonintegrality conjecture

    Authors: Florian Luca, Carl Pomerance

    Volume: 08

    Pages: 634-639

    Journal: European Journal of Mathematics

  • Fibonacci and Lucas numbers as difference of two repdigits

    Authors: F. Erduvan, R. Keskin and F. Luca

    Volume: 71

    Pages: 575--589

    Journal: Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo

  • On the diophantine equation F_n^x + F_{n+1}^x + …+F_{n+k-1}^x = F_m

    Authors: Florian Luca, Euloge Tchammou, Alain Togbé

    Volume: 66(2)

    Pages: 139-159

    Journal: Funct. et. Approx. Comment. Math.

  • Trinomials, singular moduli and Riffaut's conjecture

    Authors: Yu. F. Bilu, F. Luca and A. Pizarro

    Volume: XXIII(4)

    Pages: 2003-2048

    Journal: Annali Sc. N. Supr. Pisa